TCF Survey Reveals Startling Ignorance about Vaping Dangers among Indian Teens

Illustration of vaping dangers among Indian adolescents.

Think Change Forum (TCF), an independent think tank dedicated to problem-solving societal challenges, recently conducted a nationwide survey as part of their “Ideas for an Addiction-Free India” initiative. The survey paints an alarming picture of the lack of awareness about the dangers of vaping among India’s adolescents.

In the survey conducted across major Indian metro cities including Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Mumbai, Pune and Bengaluru, it was found that an astonishing 89% of children aged 14 to 17 were unaware of the harmful effects of vaping. Shockingly, 96% of respondents were unaware of the vaping ban in India, highlighting a severe lack of communication and understanding on this critical issue.

Adolescents’ misconceptions about vaping are indeed concerning. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), e-cigarettes and similar devices are harmful to health and are not safe. They expose users to harmful chemicals which can have damaging long-term effects. Yet, TCF’s study revealed that over half of the surveyed adolescents viewed vaping as “completely harmless”.

Addressing the issue, Sushant Kalra, Parenting Coach & TEDx Speaker said, “There is an urgent need for comprehensive education among adolescents, as well as proactive engagement with the two primary influencers in their lives – parents and educators.” The survey found that only 39% of adolescents had received any information about the dangers of vaping, indicating a significant void in our societal education and communication.

TCF’s survey underscores the urgent need for action to bridge this information gap and educate our youth about the risks involved with vaping. As our country takes on the challenge of building an addiction-free future for our children, it becomes crucial to focus on breaking the myths surrounding modern forms of addiction. This begins with accurate information dissemination about the genuine risks of vaping and the cultivation of a proactive dialogue on the issue.


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