At Apollo Spectra Hospital in Pune, a tale of medical ingenuity unfolded as a 37-year-old man, Anil Gupte (name changed for privacy), was brought with an unyielding fever persisting for more than ten days. Standard testing for common infections like malaria, typhoid, and dengue yielded no answers. A series of additional tests and investigations, led by Dr. Samrat Shah, an internal medicine expert, finally revealed a diagnosis that was far from common: intestinal tuberculosis.
Contrary to popular belief, tuberculosis can manifest outside the lungs. In Anil’s case, it was his intestines that were affected. Following a colonoscopy and endoscopy, which revealed ulcers in both the large and small bowels, it was initially thought to be Crohn’s disease. However, after a biopsy didn’t show any signs of Crohn’s disease, further investigation led to the diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis.
Dr. Shah elaborated on how intestinal tuberculosis could be fatal if not diagnosed and treated in time. The symptoms can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, weight loss, and weakness, as was in Anil’s case.
The team at Apollo Spectra Hospital displayed an exceptional level of expertise and care in diagnosing and treating this rare condition. The hospital has been lauded for its relentless pursuit of excellence in patient care and its commitment to combating both common and rare diseases with equal fervor.