Kamineni Hospital Elevates Neurological Care with the Launch of State-of-the-Art Advanced Neuro Center

Doctors at the inauguration of Kamineni Advanced Neuro Center

In a remarkable stride for neurological healthcare, Kamineni Hospital launches the Kamineni Advanced Neuro Center. The center combines exceptional expertise with pioneering technology to offer comprehensive care for neurological disorders.

With neurological disorders affecting an increasing number of individuals across all age groups, the necessity for specialized care cannot be understated. Kamineni Hospital addresses this pressing need with the establishment of the Advanced Neuro Center.

The center features a highly skilled team of neurologists, neurosurgeons, neurocritical care doctors, neuroradiologists, neuropsychiatrists, and neurogeneticists who work tirelessly to provide round-the-clock services. The diverse pool of expertise ensures that the center is adept at handling a plethora of neurological issues, from relatively simple cases to intricate surgeries.

The Advanced Neuro Center is also at the forefront of technological innovation. The center is furnished with cutting-edge technology such as a state-of-the-art 3T MRI, 128 slice CT Scan, and a Neuro Lab. The availability of such high-end technology is essential in delivering precision in diagnosis and treatment.

Another groundbreaking feature of the center is its fully-equipped genetics lab, which is the first of its kind in the state. The lab focuses on the genetic aspects of neurological disorders. Through advanced diagnostics like exome sequencing, the genetics lab can identify the genetic causes behind various neurological disorders. In addition, the center offers genetic counseling which is instrumental in preventing hereditary disorders.

The launch of the Kamineni Advanced Neuro Center marks a momentous step in neurological care within the state. Through its combination of extensive expertise and trailblazing technology, the center is poised to revolutionize the treatment and care available to patients with neurological disorders.


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