Drs On Calls Launches International Second Opinion Service for Indian Patients

Mary Gorder - Founder & CEO of Drs On Calls

In a momentous leap toward revolutionizing healthcare, Drs On Calls, a cutting-edge telemedicine platform headquartered in the United States, has ushered in a new era with its groundbreaking innovation – “International Second Opinion Service” tailored specifically for Indian patients. This service is not merely a convenience; it is a transformative bridge connecting patients and global medical luminaries, delivering expert advice and consultations right to the heart of patients’ homes.

Addressing the dire need for more accessible healthcare options, Drs On Calls empowers individuals across India to seek secondary opinions and consultations from a broad spectrum of globally renowned healthcare experts. This groundbreaking service has the potential to redefine the healthcare landscape, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health and treatment options. Through the meticulously designed app, patients gain unprecedented access to distinguished doctors and specialists from around the world, shattering the geographical barriers that have traditionally restricted access to international medical opinions.

At the heart of the Second Opinion Service is a distinguished panel of highly qualified doctors spanning various medical disciplines. This global consortium of expertise ensures that patients receive not only well-rounded insights into their medical conditions but also a comprehensive understanding that aids their decision-making process.

Mary Gorder, Founder & CEO, Drs On Calls, exudes enthusiasm as she remarks, “Our Second Opinion Service marks a pivotal stride in our quest to offer patients access to internationally renowned medical practitioners. Informed healthcare decisions stand as pillars of improved patient outcomes, and our platform serves as the catalyst for seamless cross-border collaboration among medical professionals.”

The platform seamlessly integrates an assembly of esteemed international doctors and specialists, synergizing their expertise with the cutting-edge telemedicine platform to empower patients to tap into world-class medical insights without departing from their residences. This service is anchored in the unwavering belief that it will significantly elevate healthcare outcomes, effectively bridging the chasm between medical proficiency and the unique needs of each patient.

The International Consultation service, designed with user-friendliness in mind, offers a hassle-free experience for patients seeking expert advice from overseas doctors. Patients can easily schedule virtual appointments through the app, selecting from a diverse pool of international specialists covering an extensive range of medical fields. This seamless virtual interface ensures that patients receive personalized attention and compassionate care without the need for expensive and time-consuming international travel.

Drs On Calls has gone to great lengths to ensure that the International Consultation service upholds the highest standards of patient privacy and data security. The platform employs state-of-the-art encryption and diligently complies with global healthcare data regulations to safeguard patient information throughout the virtual consultation process.

The launch of the International Consultation service reaffirms Drs On Calls’ resolute commitment to revolutionizing the Indian healthcare ecosystem, delivering accessible, affordable, and world-class medical care to all. By interweaving the expertise of global healthcare specialists with the convenience of telemedicine, Drs On Calls aspires to elevate the standard of healthcare for patients in India and beyond.


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