FEELM Ignites Eco-Innovation Wave at UK’s Pioneering Vaping Summit

At the vanguard of technology, FEELM recently inspired change at the UK Vaping Industry Association’s first-ever ‘Greenprint for Sustainable Vaping’ summit. The virtual event tackled the vaping sector’s environmental challenges head-on, sparking conversations about cross-industry collaboration, revolutionary innovations, and adaptive regulatory frameworks.

The summit’s goal was to craft a Greenprint for Sustainable Vaping, fueling environmental initiatives that reshape the vaping industry’s ecological footprint. Central topics included forging a national recycling and waste management network, advancing breakthrough vape technologies that champion recycling and reuse, and empowering consumers and retailers to embrace environmentally responsible vaping practices.

Echo Liu, European Division Director for FEELM, urged for solidarity in addressing environmental issues, stating, “Delivering eco-conscious vaping solutions and confronting the problem of disposable vapes being thoughtlessly discarded are of utmost importance.” UKVIA Director General John Dunne agreed, underlining the value of education and cooperation between regulators, industry players, and environmental management specialists.

Determined to drive sustainable transformation, FEELM fosters green strategies with its partners. Echo highlighted the pivotal role consumers play in recycling and called for united efforts within the vaping industry to expedite environmental advancements. By adopting FEELM’s eco-centric approach, partners can reap the rewards of improved social and business performance, earning consumer trust and loyalty, standing out from competitors, and maintaining compliance with government regulations.


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