New Delhi’s Save Earth Mission Circulates Vital Guidelines for Cyclone Biporjoy Preparedness

Save Earth Mission Logo - Cyclone Biporjoy Advisory

As Cyclone Biporjoy approaches, Save Earth Mission leads in disseminating crucial safety information, emphasizing community involvement.

The looming threat of Cyclone Biporjoy has catalyzed Save Earth Mission to issue vital safety guidelines. The organization draws upon past experiences like Cyclone Aila in 2009, emphasizing community engagement.

Residents are advised to store sufficient drinking water and stock non-perishable food items, similar to measures taken during Cyclone Yasi in Australia in 2011.

Emergency lighting is essential, and the organization urges residents to keep torches and candles available, as was the practice during Cyclone Winston in Fiji in 2016.

Communication is vital, and charging mobile phones and power banks is crucial, a lesson evident in the aftermath of Cyclone Katrina in the US in 2005.

Safety measures such as turning off gas and electricity and securing solar panels are highlighted, alongside parking vehicles in secure locations.

An often-overlooked aspect is medical emergencies, and residents are encouraged to stockpile essential medicines and first-aid kits.

Pets’ safety is another crucial consideration, and providing them with a secure space, food, and water is necessary.


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